How to successfully master ICSI without shortcuts?

June 19, 2018

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection has been the holy grail of an IVF lab. After its successful initiation in the early 1990s, the technique has had a massive impact on the industry. ICSI was all about tackling severe male infertility but now it is routinely used in a fertility clinic where ICSI has almost replaced IVF. Is too much of ICSI detrimental in the long run? Now, that is a matter of serious debate. However, ICSI is now one of the key techniques necessary for an embryologist to grow. It is a ticket to push you into seniority and mastering the same is a challenge.

But, unfortunately, in the wake of quickly acquiring this skill, budding embryologists try to fast track their learning process. This results in a half-baked approach which doesn’t help in gaining proficiency in ICSI.

I have self-trained myself in ICSI as I had joined a fertility clinic as a trainee. Resources initially were less but as the cases picked up, I got an opportunity to get myself acquainted with the process of imbibing the technique fully.

ICSI Procedure

ICSI Procedure

For starters, ICSI is a procedure where a single sperm is injected into a mature oocyte with the help of a micromanipulator. At the face of it, the procedure may require a week to get basically trained but that may not prepare you to sail through the overwhelming tides of handling regular cases and unpredictable nature of the load of work. The following steps can help overcome pitfalls and result in an exhaustive preparedness into ICSI.

Know The ICSI micromanipulator

Know The ICSI Micromanipulator

Firstly, the fundamentals lie in knowing the machine and the micromanipulator or the microscope thoroughly. It is like you ought to marry the machine in order to get accustomed to every facet and aspect of its working. My experience has taught me that embryologists tend to bypass this essentiality. It is important to know about the condenser as much as it is important to know about the holding and the injecting pipette. Any type, whether it is RI or Narishige and even Eppendorf system, knowing intricate details of the machine will be the foundation on which you can even tackle troubleshooting issues.

Read More On How To Take care of your IVF Lab with your Mobile – IVF Lab Care

Secondly, the alignment part is to be mastered. Here, I have seen people skipping certain steps that snowball into problems later when you are about to immobilize sperms or inject oocytes. Practicing alignment comes across as boring which makes people skip it or think it’s avoidable. This is the time when used needles should be incorporated and used to align as this will not only teach you to do it faster but also will make you realize needles are so sensitive to handle and they break! Details such as setting the angle and changing the filter with respect to objective get drowned in the midst of hurrying the alignment.

Preparing ICSI dish a priority

Preparing ICSI dish a priority

Thirdly, making an ICSI dish is also a priority. This will give you an idea of the pattern you will incorporate along with the number of sperms to be added in the PVP droplet. I have seen inexperience flowing when too many sperms are added in the PVP drop which becomes difficult for immobilization. Making a clean and clear dish along with adding an optimum amount of sperm is equally important as other steps.

Selection Of Sperm

Selection Of Sperm

Fourthly, sperm catching will follow. This step requires the maximum practice and attention as the morphology of chosen sperm is in your hands considering there won’t be a choice with respect to oocytes. Initially, the experience of sperm immobilization may be increasingly frustrating and this may lure trainees to jump into oocyte injection part which seems much easy and yes a bit glamorous. Basically, you have to train your eye to choose the correct sperm and the difficulty level must increase with Normozoospermia followed by severe OAT and even surgically retrieved samples. For beginners, the edge of a PVP sperm drop provides the necessary reservoir to begin practice sperm catching!

Oocyte Injection

Oocyte Injection

Lastly, the Oocyte injection will be the final step. In this part, during training, you may not get actual oocytes and hence you may miss the actual feeling of injecting true mature eggs. The little suction to be applied for holding the egg, aspiration till you get a jerk like feeling, the observation of a funnel-shaped structure in the cytoplasm won’t be visible whilst injecting oocytes other than mature.

Read Our Tips & Tricks For Successful Vitrification

Once you have combined all the steps and are confident, then the process of trying to time and stimulating a real ICSI environment must begin. In this scenario, the injections of oocytes should commence in this order. First, it should be degenerated eggs followed by unfertilized or M1s or GVs. The latter may not indicate fertilization, but we can just check if they survive the injection process. This should be followed by giving two or three oocytes to inject from a patient exhibiting good quality oocytes and sperms. This should be followed by a progressive increase in a number of eggs with a corresponding increase in the level of difficulty. (say to TESA/PESA cases) Here, you will actually get exposed to different types and varieties of mature oocytes you have to handle. This should culminate in giving half the oocytes of the patient and then the whole patient under monitoring or supervision. A documentation of recording the fate of every mature egg injected (fertilization or degeneration) and the technique applied (smooth or rough) together will ensure in giving confidence in absorbing the said embryologist in routine ICSI procedures in the fertility clinic.

With the above steps, one should require about six months for doing ICSI routinely with respect to the availability of resources. ICSI is like learning to drive a car. The training at a motor school will teach you the basics but how you acclimatize to roads and different terrains will depend upon how you handle the car outside the school. It takes time before you get used to driving and so this above process to learn ICSI will do the same for this technique.

Read more on IVF/ ICSI/ IUI ART Lab Setup


Future Of IVF

January 25, 2014

Future Of IVF in Assisted Reproductive Technology – Future of Fertility Treatment – IVF future – Economical, High Success Rate, Safer IVF Treatment –  The ambitious future of IVF Treatment –  The importance of IVF Laboratory and IVF process – Future of IVF and Genetic Testing – Bright future of IVF and ART related techniques –  21st  Century Future of In Vitro Fertilization

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common and most effective type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to help infertile women become pregnant. In an IVF process, eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilised with sperm in the laboratory. The fertilised egg (embryo) is later placed in the woman’s womb.

IVF process - Future of IVF and Genetic Testing

Future of Fertility Treatment – IVF future – Economical

Since it was first used in 1978, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has created more than 5 million babies. Success rates for IVF depend on a number of factors, including the reason for infertility, where you’re having the procedure done, and your age. Currently pregnancy is achieved in an average of 29.4% of all IVF cycles (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman. The percentage of cycles that resulted in live births was 22.4% on average (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman). apart from the success of the IVF treatment infertile couples know that IVF is expensive, and doesn’t always mean the birth of a baby. Hence the number of infertile couples opting for this treatment is less.

The future of IVF treatments is very good. With advances in the technology of ART, IVF treatment is going to be the first solution for intended parents. Following are the points where IVF has more good options of improving and it has already seen boost in the treatments.

1) Chromosomal Abnormalities

Many of the embryos formed during infertility treatments carry no possibility of becoming a baby because they carry lethal genetic abnormalities. Around 70% of the time, an embryo fails to form because of these abnormalities in its DNA. The pregnancy does not take place and patient has to go for another ivf cycle. There are ways, however, of improving the odds.

PreImplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Today Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) helps you distinguish which embryos have genetic or chromosomal defects before implantation. If you or your family is a carrier of genetic diseases, you can have embryos examined through PGD, and screened for genetic diseases, including Fragile X Syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and many others.

This procedure allows you to select the healthiest embryo for implantation, increasing your chances of having a healthy baby. If your family has a history of hemophilia, for example, preimplantation genetic diagnosis reveals which embryos test positive for the disease.

Bright future of IVF and ART related techniques

Bright future of IVF and ART related techniques

The Future of IVF and Genetic Testing

A recent scientific breakthrough in preimplantation genetic diagnosis gives many couples new hope. Next generation sequencing is a game changer for couples who turn to IVF. This new technology sorts through genetic information and mutations, improving doctors’ ability to detect abnormalities and identify embryos with the highest chances of producing a viable pregnancy.

This procedure allows you to select the healthiest embryo for implantation, increasing your chances of having a healthy baby. If your family has a history of hemophilia, for example, preimplantation genetic diagnosis reveals which embryos test positive for the disease.

2)  Transfer of Embryos

Initially more than two embryos were implanted to get favourable results. With the help of blastosyst embryo transfer only healthy and viable embryos are transferred which results in pregnancy. Cryopreservation of unused embryos is efficient, since embryos without the capacity for full development are not frozen. Blastocyst transfer also allows the option of single embryo transfer. The advances in genetic screening will go far beyond getting people pregnant, however, as we better define genetic diseases and learn how to screen for a greater number of serious conditions. This is complex, both medically and ethically, but the future convergence of well-defined genomes and very effective embryo testing makes this application inevitable at some point of time.

3)  Ovarian Tissue Transplant

Ovarian tissue transplant has the potential to revolutionise fertility treatment. Ovarian Tissue Transplant followed by Successful IVF Creates Future Fertility Hope for Ovarian Cancer Survivors. A women who is facing infertility problem because of ovarian cancer treatment, now has the ray of hope to achieve pregnancy. The sample of ovarian tissue is taken from the patient’s cancer-free ovary through keyhole surgery and is then frozen.  After the patient is ready and free from her treatment, the tissue which is frozen is grafted onto the left and right sides of the front wall of her abdomen. After a few months the tissue starts working, and with a gentle dose of hormone treatment produced follicles and two single eggs.  Both were fertilized, implanted, and became viable pregnancies. These is possible because of the freezing process of ovarian tissue in the IVF laboratory. This technique is new and will be a great boon for infertile couples facing fertility issues because of cancer diagnosis.

The ambitious future of IVF Treatment

The ambitious future of IVF Treatment

4)  Three Parents: The Twenty-First Century Future of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

Babies with three parents could soon be born through controversial new IVF treatment. The new in-vitro fertilization technique, currently in the research phase, is nearing approval in Britain and would be the first to involve genetically modified embryos. The technique is meant to enable parents to avoid passing on diseases to their offspring. To prevent the passage of mitochondrial disorders from mother to child, researchers have devised a solution. The fertility treatment, known as mitochondrial transfer, tries to replace a faulty part of a mother‘s egg with healthy material from a donor, creating a “genetically modified child” with three biological parents. The technique has proven successful in human cells in the ivf laboratory and is awaiting recognition.

It involves intervening in the fertilization process to remove faulty mitochondrial DNA, which can cause inherited conditions such as fatal heart problems, liver failure, brain disorders, blindness and muscular dystrophy. The methods are designed to help families with mitochondrial diseases – incurable conditions passed down the maternal line that affect around one in 6,500 children worldwide.

5)  Better, Faster, More Budget-Friendly IVF Treatment

NGS technology (Next generation sequencing) has its advantages over older technology such as microarray. Next generation sequencing not only hikes the chances of getting a healthy pregnancy, but does so at a lower cost, and with more details and accurate information. What makes this cutting-edge process even more appealing, besides the very real promise of taking the guesswork out of making a baby, are the super-quick results it delivers. In only 24 hours, doctors will be able to have a complete assessment of the embryo’s health.

6)  What will it take to bring down the costs of IVF?

The biggest step will be automating the IVF lab. The embryologist opens the incubator door, takes out the petri dish, does something to the embryo or the media, opens the incubator door, put the dish back, close the incubator door series of steps for every IVF case that has been used since the 1980’s. The technology-robotics, microfluidics, incubators with cameras etc, already exists. Probably new invention will keep on taking place. These will involve higher success rate in ivf treatment, low cost ivf treatment and increased amount of infertile couples opting for IVF and ART related techniques.

In all IVF treatments eggs, sperm and embryo creation is very essential. Whether it is donor egg, donor sperm or infertile couples own eggs and sperm. Handling of all these requires very hygienic conditions and prescribed temperatures and sterlisation. They are to be stored in freezer. Handling of all these requires expert training and knowledge be it either embryologist or gynaecologist.

The Twenty-First Century Future of In Vitro Fertilization IVF

The Twenty-First Century Future of In Vitro Fertilization IVF

Assisted Reproductive Technologies, be they Intrauterine Insemination, In Vitro Fertilization or Intra cytoplasm sperm injection – all need skill and precision which could be acquired from in depth knowledge and experience. Embryology Academy for Research & Training with their judicious mixture of various teaching modules, lectures, actual hands-on-training and demonstrations ensure quality training much to the satisfaction to the young aspirants and embryologists.

Knowledge from the basics in embryology to the ultimate in cryosciences and laser devices all is imparted by their dedicated team to ensure continuity of care. EART at every step strives ahead to perfection. Coupled with critical care management and laboratory skills EART also provides a comprehensive exposure to the whole setup of assisted human reproduction.

The last few years have witnessed rapid innovative strides in the field of embryology the world over. Discoveries, innovations, techniques and gadgets have their never ending list in their march towards obtaining perfection in embryology. There has been a boom in ART laboratories with the sole aim of living upto the challenge posed by infertility. In bringing such plans to fruition there still remains one challenge which is perennially faced by labs in India and abroad – a dearth of embryologists.

At EART our aim is to offer the most advanced and globally competitive training in the field of ART. Our IVF Training centre besides being optically equipped with the state-of-art equipments, mentors the trainees by renowned embryologists, andrologists, biologists, reproductive endocrinologists and other experts in assisted reproductive techniques. A constant desire for up gradation coupled with a motivated team spirit is EART’s goal to success.

Read more about:::

Equipments and supplies used in an IVF laboratory


Intensive Hands on IVF Training for Gynaecologist & Embryologist


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Course in Embryology, Infertility and IVF ART ICSI

December 31, 2009

Hands on IVF Training Courses

EART will be conducting next training batches in the month of February 2010.
The details of the trainings are as follow:-

Certificate Course In ART
8th February – 27th February 2010

Introductory Course In ART
8th February – 12th February 2010
15th  February – 19th February 2010

Basic Course In Semenology & IUI
15th  February – 17th February 2010

Advanced Course In Cryopreservation
18th  February – 19th February 2010

Advanced Course In ICSI
15th  February – 17th February 2010.



Embryology Academy for Research & Training
Telephone:+91 22 2896 1768 / 2897 6769 / 2896 6770
Fax:+91 22 2896 6766

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Turnkey projects for ART,IUI, IVF and ICSI Labs

December 4, 2009

Infertility – Expert Infertility Treatment – Fertility Clinics, Infertility Clinics.

The center of any IVF clinic is the IVF laboratory, because this is where the embryos are actually made.

1. The CO2 incubator- This is the soul of the IVF lab, where fertilization occurs and embryos are carefully grown under controlled conditions, which mimic our body’s environment.

The soul of the IVF lab

2. The IVF culture medium, in which embryos are cultured and nourished. Most IVF clinics use ready-made medium, which is quality controlled and extensively tested.

3. Microscopes are the work-horse of the IVF lab and allow the embryologist to inspect eggs and embryos.The circular plastic dish on the heated platform of the microscope is a culture dish; and the central well contains the culture medium in which the embryos are grown .You can see what embryos look like under the microscope here.

The work-horse of the IVF lab

4. The micromanipulator, where ICSI is performed. It is also used to perform the embryo biopsy when doing PGD. It allows us to visualise the eggs , sperm and embryos because of the high degree of magnification it offers; and also allows us to precisely manipulate the fine pipettes which are used to perform surgery on the egg and embryo.

5.The computer-controlled embryo cryopreservation unit , which allows us to freeze and store embryos.

6. The liquid nitrogen containers, in which sperm and embryos are frozen and preserved at -196 C.

Starting A new IVF Lab means start contacting designers, architects, sellers, resellers, vendors, suppliers, agents, distributors to initiate slow, long and laborious process of discussing dates and negotiating rates. This, you will agree, will further eat into your most precious commodity “Time”.

Starting A new IVF Lab

List of Equipments for a new infertility IVF clinic ,will be very long so we will list them for your reference below.

You will need IVF Equipment AND IVF Consumables like,MAKLER COUNTING CHAMBER,AUTOMATIC SPERM ANALYSERS,Sperm Class Analyser,Coda Inline and Xtra Inline Filters,IVF Workstation,IVF Chamber,CO2 Mini Incubator,Portable CO2 Incubator,Craft Suction Pump,CO2 Incubator,IVF Controlled Rate Freezer,micromanipulator company,micromanipulator,Laser for PGD and Embryo Biopsy,Oocyte and Embryo Analysis Software,Oosight Imaging System,glass Heating device for Microscopes,Heating Systems for microscopes,Anti-vibration Platform and Table,Modular Incubator Chamber,IUI Catheters,Embryo Transfer Catheters,Oocyte Collection Sets,Micropipettes for ICSI,ivf Pipettes,IVF Media for Assisted Reproduction,Seminal Collection Device,IVF Plasticware,Centrifuge and Spermfuge,Warming Plate and tray,Water Bath,Block Heater,Dry Bath,Portable Test Tube Warmer,Mixer or Shaker,Adjustable Volume Pipettor and Tips,Pipette Pump,Cryogenic Equipment,Cord Blood,Stem Cell,Lab Quality Management etc.

To design ,built and setting up complete world class IVF center or lab is important turnkey project and you need an expert to take care of it.You need Specialist of IVF lab design like:Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt Ltd.

This is one company with vast experience of more than 20 years of designing and building pharmaceutical Laboratories as per WHO-GMP norms with stringent requirement of sterility. The same experience has helped them today to fulfill the demanding needs of to-days IVF Labs worldwide.

They are highly focused company for In-Vitro Fertilization clinic or laboratory setup worldwide.Today with there expertise in the filed of IVF IUi ART ICSI lab or clinics they are in comanding potion to offer single stop complete solotion for total IVF lab set up,IVf lab equipments and service poroducts to reproductive / infertility professionals worldwide.

They are Importer, exporter, manufacture and provider of ivf lab equipments like microinjection tools,ivf workstations,
Spermfuge,ThermoPlate,Embryo Freezer,System for ART,Suction Pumps for oocyte aspiration,CO2 incubator,IVF warming block,IVF micromanipulator,IVF Microscope,IVF Micropipettes,Clean Air System, Spermfuge,Mobile Nest,Lab Guard,Warming Blocks,,Rapid Recovery System and give lab designs to IVF clinics worldwide.
They also provide Turnkey Project Services for set up of In vitro Fertilization Labs popularly known as Test Tube Baby Centres.Their aim is to be your fully services partner and there approach is to give you precisely what you need.


Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Telephone:+91 22 2896 1768 / 2897 6769 / 2896 6770
Fax:+91 22 2896 6766

Click here now and Take a Virtual Tour of  IVF Lab


August 22, 2009

Eart training courses dates for September 2009


Certificate Course In ART
14th September -3rd October


Introductory Course In ART
14th September -18th September
28th September – 3rd October


Basic Course In Semenology & IUI
14th September -16th September
28th September – 30th September


Advanced Course In Cryopreservation
17th September -18th September
2nd October- 3rd October



Embryology Academy for Research & Training
Telephone: +91 22 2845 7140 / 2845 7059

When you next time think of medical education,Global Fertility
Academy,resource for physicians, embryologists and fertility treatment
specialists,basic and advanced courses in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART),medical educationfor healthcare professionals involved in infertility treatment,Female Infertility Diagnosis and Management,Embryology and IVF Laboratory,Oocyte retrieval and oocyte Quality,Sperm preparation for IVF and ICSI,IVF and ICSI: Technical aspects,Practical management of IVF patients with TESE/TESA/PESA: Fresh and frozen samples,Zygote and embryo morphology scoring,Embryo culture,Embryo selection and transfer,Oocyte/embryo cryopreservation,Total quality management and IVF Equipment maintenance and monitoring,How to apply the EU guidelines for human tissue and cells?,Embryo biopsy for PGD,Fertility preservation in cancer patients, think of IVFTRAINING.COM

ESHRE meeting 2009

June 16, 2009

ESHRE 25THAnnual meeting, Amsterdam,Netherlands

The 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (28 June – 1 July 2009).

The first ESHRE meeting was a revelation for many. Instead of the extremely limited therapeutic arsenal most delegates were used to, here they found new developments everywhere. Since then, this scientific revolution has continued, providing us with diagnostic and prediction tools and powerful interventions unheard of 25 years ago.



Amsterdam RAI ,Europaplein 22 ,1078 GZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Continuing Medical Education Credits

Approval of the pre-congress courses and of the annual meeting programme for continuing medical education (CME) credits will be applied for with the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). EACCME credits are recognized by the American Medical Association towards the Physicians’s Recognition Award (PRA).


For inquiries regarding individual or group registrations, abstracts, scientific programme, exhibit and other matters related to the organization of the meeting, please contact:

ESHRE Central Office

Meerstraat 60

B-1852 Grimbergen


Tel: +32 (0)2 269 09 69

Fax: +32 (0)2 269 56 00



Secretariat – Accommodation / Optional Tours Program

For hotel reservations and optional tours, please contact the official appointed agency:

RAI Hotel & Travel Service

Postbus 77777

1070 MS Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)20 549 19 27

Fax: +31 (0)20 549 19 46


Currency and Credit cards

The currency in The Netherlands is the Euro (€). All Congress fees and rates are charged in Euro. No other currency will be accepted during the Congress.

Banks and exchange foreign currency

Most banks open 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. Some banks open late on Mondays at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. On Saturdays most banks open from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. or 2 p.m.

Credit cards

Most hotels, restaurants and shops in Amsterdam accept major credit cards.

Registration and Information Desk

The registration desk will be located on the ground floor of the congress centre and will be open at the following hours:

From 08.00 a.m. to 07.00 p.m. ON ALL DAYS

Swine flu guidelines

In preparation for our 25th Annual Meeting in Amsterdam on 28 June – 1 July 2009 ESHRE is closely and frequently monitoring WHO reports on the Influenza A(H1N1) virus, responsible for the so called swine flu outbreak in Mexico.

We would like to inform you that the World Health Organisation (WHO) is not recommending travel restrictions related to the outbreak of the influenza A(H1N1) virus. Individuals who are ill should delay their travel plans and returning travellers who fall ill should seek appropriate medical care. These recommendations are prudent measures which can limit the spread of many communicable diseases, including influenza.

You can protect yourself and others while travelling by following the recommended WHO guidelines for individuals:

Should we feel that there is any threat in the Amsterdam region during the conference, we will take appropriate action and inform all participants. We recommend that all participants seek appropriate health insurance when travelling to the congress.

For further information on the swine flu please visit:

For more details please log on to:



Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Telephone:+91 22 28456768  / 2845 7140 / 84 / 5570 2442

Fax:+91 22 28456766 / 28457059

Starting A new IVF Lab means start contacting designers, architects, sellers, resellers, vendors, suppliers, agents, distributors to initiate slow, long and laborious process of discussing dates and negotiating rates. This, you will agree, will further eat into your most precious commodity “Time”.Alternatively you have the easier and simpler option: Contact Shivani Scientific Industries (P) Ltd

This is one company with vast experience of more than 20 years of designing and building pharmaceutical Laboratories as per WHO-GMP norms with stringent requirement of sterility. The same experience has helped them today to fulfill the demanding needs of to-days IVF Labs worldwide.

They are highly focused company for In-Vitro Fertilization clinic or laboratory setup worldwide. Today with their expertise in the field of IVF IUI ART ICSI lab or clinics they are in commanding potion to offer single stop complete solution for total ivf lab set up,IVf lab equipments and service products to reproductive / infertility professionals worldwide.

They are Importer, exporter, manufacture and supplier of ivf lab equipments like microinjection tools, ivf workstations,

Spermfuge, ThermoPlate, Embryo Freezer, System for ART, Suction Pumps for oocyte aspiration, CO2 incubator, IVF warming block, IVF micromanipulator,IVF Microscope,IVF Micropipettes, Clean Air System, Spermfuge, Mobile Nest,Lab Guard, Warming Blocks, Rapid Recovery System and give lab designs to IVF clinics worldwide.

They also provide Turnkey Project Services for set up of In vitro Fertilization Labs popularly known as Test Tube Baby Centers. Their aim is to be you’re fully services partner and there approach is to give you precisely what you need.

There service is mentioned below for your reference:

IVF lab Turnkey Projects

3D Lab design / 3 D Walk through

They offer State of the Art computer modeling to visualize your Lab either in 3D or 3D Walk through, even before your lab is ready.

Customized Video Processing

All modern equipments comes with all provision of image processing which is very well utilized by our Combination of hardware camera selection and software selection. Multiple Camera inputs can be synthesized in one system to have better recording and processing.

Embryology Services

They provide assistance in providing complete embryology services from Ovum Pick-up to embryo transfer. Qualified and experienced team of clinicians and embryologists are selected to provide these services.

Air Quality evaluation and improvement

They have capability to thoroughly evaluate Air quality on existing Lab and recommend appropriate steps to improve the same. It varies from HVAC inspection to microbial air sampling.

Hands on training for Lab Staff

They also offers comprehensive hands on training in endorsed by Center for Reproductive Medicine, USA to you and Lab Staff.

Annual Maintenance of IVF Lab Equipments

They undertake Annual Maintenance Contracts for IVF Labs with the support of its highly qualified team of Engineers. They also cater to calibration contracts with our highly accurate calibration equipments.


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Basic Course in Semenology & IUI ICSI

May 29, 2009

Ideal for beginners. Provides an insight to andrology. Helps to understand sperm per se and sperm processing techniques for various ART procedures.

Course Objective:
This module aims at providing basic to advanced knowledge in Semenology and sperm preparation techniques, guided hands on will aid the candidate to understand & confidently perform the same.

Sperm preparation techniques

Sperm preparation techniques

Methodology of Training:

Interactive Basic sessions covering.

Semen collection, delivery and method of collection.
Initial & Macroscopic Examination.
Microscopic examination for count & motility.
Morphology estimation according to WHO & Kruger’s strict criterion.
Advanced tests like Hypo Osmotic Swelling Test, Vital Staining,
and Fructose estimation.
Optional test like sperm chromatin assay, ROS estimation,
estimation of Zinc, anti sperm antibodies etc.
Sperm preparation techniques.

Guided Hands on Training In:
Innitial & macroscopic examination .
Microscopic estimation for count & motility.
Morphology estimation according to WHO &
Kruger’s strict criteria.
Advanced tests like hypo osmotic swelling test,
vital staining & Fructose estimation Cryopreservation of sperm.
Sperm preparation techniques.

Trainees will get :
Course Manual and a Certificate of Training accredited by the Center for Reproductive Medicine, Cleveland, United States.


CRM Accredited Courses

Basic course in Semenology IUI
Advanced course in ICSI
Introductory course in ART
Certificate course in ART 3 weeks
Advanced course in cryopreservation

Non Accredited Courses

Let’s do IUI
Lets do Art
Two day student orientation Program

Hands on IVF Training Courses

Hands on IVF Training Courses

Embryology Academy for Research & Training
Telephone: +91 22 2845 7140 / 2845 7059
Fax: +91 22 2845 6766

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IVF Lab Consultancy Services

May 29, 2009

At EART our aim is to offer the most advanced ,globally competitive and most Comprehensive services :

1. Embryology Services
2.Turn Key Projects for IUI, IVF and ICSI Labs
3 .Quality Management System

Embryology consultancy services

Embryology consultancy services

Embrology Services :

EART is a multi dimension academy providing consultancy services in various fields:
For new entrants in the field of embryology, to help them build up confidence and to stream line the functioning of their initial IVF procedures, EART offers comprehensive “Help and Support” for the entire IVF / ICSI cycle till the time they become confident and self dependant.

“Help & Support” incorporates-
Follicular monitoring and Ovum pick up
Sonography (investigative, routine and stimulated cycles).
Ovarian stimulation protocols.
Laparoscopies (clinical & diagnostic).
Andrology (consultation & microsurgery).
Embryology (IVF & ICSI).
Sperm processing (IUI).
Embryo transfer.
Cryopreservation (blastocysts, acolytes).
Documentation and record keeping and patient counselling.

The services are also extended to any of those running IVF Labs, who do have the desire and intention of improving upon themselves.

Turn Key Projects for IUI, IVF and ICSI Labs:

EART undertakes complete technology transfers for Assisted Reproductive Technology. The Turn Key Project includes-
Site Survey & Designing
Environmental Engineering
Equipment Installation
Training of Personnel
Preparation for Marketing of Clinic
Equipment selection & ordering
Procurement & Inspection
Consumables & Media

The services are also extended to any of those running IVF Labs, who do have the desire and intention of improving upon themselves..

Quality Management System

EART extends comprehensive service for implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 17025. Quality Management System provides quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement activities. ISO 9001 system helps ART centers in ensuring quality service for not only the customers but also improving performance in organizations, creating a calibration protocol for equipments, creating proper documentation as per national and international guidelines.

The services are also extended to any of those running IVF Labs, who do have the desire and intention of improving upon themselves.

Contact us:
Embryology Academy for Research & Training
Telephone:+91 22 2845 7140 / 2845 7059
Fax:+91 22 2845 6766

Training in Basic infertility

May 5, 2009

IVF Training  Schedules  at EART .

EART will be conducting next IVF training  batches in the month of June,2009.

The details of the trainings dates are as follow:-

1.Certificate Course In ART:

1st June-20th June

2. Introductory Course In ART:

1st june-5th june  & 15th june-19th june

3. Basic Course In Semenology & IUI :

4th June-6th june & 18th june-20th june

4. Advanced Course In Cryopreservation:

4th June-5th june &  18th june-19th june

5. Advanced Course In ICSI:

1st June-3rd june &  5th june-17th june

6. Let’s do ART :

8th june-12th june.

We have limited seats in all the above courses,so please book you seat in advanced by using our online payment on site at:


Infertility, IVF, ICSI & Genetics training center

Infertility, IVF, ICSI & Genetics training center

Technorati Profile

Hello world!

April 25, 2009

Welcome to

We are an IVF training institute in the field of assisted reproductive technologies offers Short course and hands on training.

Embryology Academy for Research & Training

Embryology Academy for Research & Training is recognized research institute for IVF Training Programme for IVF / ICSI / ART Micromanipulation , Reproductive Medicine.

Learn how to handle the embryos

Learn how to handle the embryos

Learn micro manipulators components and mechanics,installing and aligning the ICSI instruments, preparation of culture medium and dishes for IVF/ IVF-ICSI cases,Sperm preparation for IVF/ ICSI,Classical IVF,Learn how to perform the classical IVF technique.ICSI: Oocytes intracytoplasmic sperm injection,Oocytes handling,Embryo handling,Learn how to handle the embryos ,Embryo culture,Extended embryo culture,Embryo scoring,Embryo loading,ICSI with HOS test,Assisted hatching,Embryo biopsy,Embryo cryopreservation,Equipments and supplies used in an IVF laboratory,Optimizing IVF results by performing the right quality control and more.

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Hands on IVF ART ICSI IUI Training

Hands on IVF ART ICSI IUI Training